Daiany Palacios

Hi, I am Daiany!
Engineer by education
Manager by evolution
Leader by passion
My Story
I am an IT professional with a broad range of experiences: starting as a software developer, I've gone through different roles in my career path covering the following areas so far:
requirements engineering, agile moderation/facilitation, conference speaker, devops practices and technical trainings.
My professional journey so far has been exciting, diverse and enriching but mostly one thing: an answer to my continuous desire to make my work match my passions.
I am deeply convinced that motivated people can achieve amazing things. So, always when I am passionate about my work, I deliver great results. I like challenges and I face them with energy and courage.
I am a lifelong learner, always seeking ways to further extend my comfort zone. I am a team-builder, I enjoy enabling people and teams to do their best and achieve their goals.
With my open personality and communicative ways, I am a natural bridge-builder.
A passionate storyteller and a true believer that one can be good at anything one puts enough effort into.

"If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now"
Master Shifu (Kung Fu Panda 3)
Recent blog posts

The joy of building a team from scratch

Help! My DevOps team is stuck!