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Speaking Engagements

Beginning 2017, I am speaking regularly at different IT conferences. Here is the story of how and why I started doing this. Below you can find a detailed list of the talks and the events where I've had the opportunity to present.


DevOpsDays Berlin. Ignite Talk "Help! My DevOps team is stuck!"


The same ignite was delivered at DevOpsDays Portugal and DevOpsDays London. In London it was recorded, find the video here.


DevOpsDays Zurich. Ignite Talk "Full-stack DevOps Engineers: a myth?"

Thought-provoking speech about the overlap between Full-Stack and DevOps as engineering roles. Just my controversial opinion intended to trigger an exchange of ideas with the audience of the conference, in an Open Space.



DevOpsDays Madrid. 30 min talk, extended version of the ignite "Growing into new roles beyond the cloud".
LeadDev Live (Online). Pannelist in a session on Software Estimates with two more contributors.


Codemotion Rome. Italy. 30 min talk "The Trap of Averages" about using a continuous probabilistic forecasting approach for software estimations.

The same talk was delivered on the following events:
Techcamp Hamburg
SEACON Hamburg (as pecha-kucha in german)
Java Forum Stuttgart (in german)
Hamburg Kanban User Group MeetUp (in german)


O'Reilly Velocity Berlin. Delivered an ignite talk "Growing into new roles beyond the cloud" with a motivational story (after my own experience) inviting people to go out of their comfort zone and dare.


Delivery of Things World Berlin. World Cafe session moderator on different DevOps topics.
DevOpsDays Kiel, Ignite Talk titled: "DevOps, an umbrella term for business innovation"
DevOpsDays Berlin. Ignite Talk titled: "Why my senior manager was so relaxed in the face of GDPR (unlike others)". True story about the trust on the team and the smooth way of introducing changes in the software thanks to the Continuous Delivery and DevOps practices we followed in the department.


Delivery of Things World Berlin. 30 min talk about the journey to Continuous Delivery in the KN FreightNet platform (former name of the myKN for Customers platform).

DevOpsDays Stockholm. Ignite Talk about "FOMO at the Enterprise"
Ignite Kiel. Ignite Talk about "FOMO at the enterprise"

Daiany Palacios


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